Sweet Munchies is a South Korean series featuring Jung Il-woo as Park Jin-sung, Lee Hak-joo as Kang Tae-wan, and Lee Hak-joo as Kang Tae-wan, among others. The series is created by JTBC. It is streaming on OTT.
Where to watch Sweet Munchies?
The series is streaming on MX Player and Amazon Prime Video. It explores themes of lying, love, and financial hardship.
The series centers around a chef named Park Jin-sung, who works at a late-night snack restaurant. It depicts his struggles to pay his father’s medical bills. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when Kim Ah-jin, portrayed by Kang Ji-young, a television assistant director and one of his regular customers, asks him if he knows a gay chef who could star in her program. Seizing this golden opportunity, Park Jin-sung decides to lie about his sexual orientation to land the part.
The story also explores the complex relationship between him and fashion designer Kang Tae-wan, played by Lee Hak-joo. As Park Jin-sung gets involved with them, he discovers a dark secret about Kang Tae-wan. The unfolding events are revealed throughout the series.
Cast and production of Sweet Munchies
The cast of the series includes Jung Il-woo as Park Jin-sung, Lee Hak-joo as Kang Tae-wan, Kang Ji-young is Kim Ah-jin, Yang Dae-hyuk as Nam Gyoo-jang, Kim Seung-soo as Lee Sang-young, Kim Soo-jin as Cha Joo-hee, Park Sung-joon as Noh Jae-soo, Gong Min-jeung as Yoo Sung-eun, Shin Woo-gyeom as Kang Min-soo, and Yang Dae-hyuk as Nam Gyu-jang, among others.
It is written by Park Seung-hye and directed by Song Ji-won. Choi Jin-ho has produced the series under Hello Contents and Stream Media Corporation.