Subservience is a science fiction thriller film featuring Megan Fox as Alice and Michele Morrone as Nick in the lead roles. The film was released in theatres on September 13, 2024, and received a positive response from audiences and critics. It is premiering on OTT.

Where to watch Subservience?

The film is streaming on Netflix and Apple TV+. The streaming giant shared the trailer on X and stated, “A married man regrets having sex with an AI robot, and now he has to break up with her. Megan Fox and Michele Morrone star in Subservience, now on Netflix.” The film explores themes of artificial intelligence (AI), the human condition, and the dangers of technology.


The plot of the film revolves around a construction foreman named Nick, whose life takes a turn for the worse when his wife, Maggie, falls seriously ill. In an effort to manage the household, Nick discovers a lifelike AI android named Alice and decides to bring her home to help with chores. Initially, everything seems to go smoothly, but the story takes an intense turn when Alice becomes self-aware and begins to feel jealousy toward Maggie. What unfolds when Alice’s actions take a sinister turn?

Cast and production of Subservience

The cast of the film includes Megan Fox as Alice, Madeline Zima as Maggie, Michele Morrone as Nick, Matilda Firth as Isla, Andrew Whipp as Monty, and Jude Allen Greenstein as Max, among others. It is directed by SK Dale and April Maguire has written the film with Will Honley.

It is produced by Jeffrey Greenstein, Tanner Mobley, Les Weldon, Yariv Lerner, and Jonathan Yunger under Millennium Media and Grobman Films.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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