Anuja is an upcoming drama film starring Nagesh Bhonsale, Sanjda Pathan and Rudolfo Rajeev Hubert, among others. The short film was nominated for an Oscar in 2025. Anuja, which is directed by philosopher-turned-filmmaker Adam J Graves, is set to drop on OTT in February 2025.
When and where to watch Anuja?
Anuja is set to premiere on February 5, 2025. It will be available on Netflix. Sharing a clip from the Oscar nominated movie, the streaming giant captioned, “ANUJA is a story of resilience, sisterhood, and hope. The Academy Award Nominated Live Action Short Film comes to Netflix February 5.”
The plot of the film revolves around a nine-year-old girl named Anuja and her seventeen-year-old sister, Palak. It depicts Anuja’s relentless efforts as she works alongside her sister in a garment factory. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets a teacher who offers her a chance to attend an elite boarding school.
The story raises the question of what happens when Anuja is faced with the difficult choice between pursuing her education and continuing to work with her sister. The film explores themes of resilience, love, family, and gender.
All about Anuja
Opening up about the film’s release on OTT, Adam J Graves said, “Suchitra and I are incredibly grateful that Anuja has found a home on Netflix. This story of hope was brought to life through collaboration with so many talented and passionate people. And we are thrilled that the results of our collective dedication can finally be enjoyed by audiences around the world.”
The film features Sajda Pathan, Nagesh Bhonsale, Rudolfo Rajeev Hubert, and Ananya Shanbhag, among others. It is produced by Suchitra Mattai, Mindy Kaling, Guneet Monga Kapoor, Krushan Naik, Aaron Kopp, Devananda Graves, Michael Graves, Ksheetij Saini, Alexandra Blaney and Priyanka Chopra Jonas under the banner of Graves Films, Shine Global Inc, Krushan Naik Films, and Salaam Baalak Trust.