Bandidos is a Mexican adventurous drama series starring Alfonso Dosal as Miguel Morales, Ester Exposito as Lili, and Andres Baida as Ariel, among others. The series includes historical references to real aspects of Mayan culture. Bandidos Season 2 is streaming on OTT.
Where to watch Bandidos Season 2?
Bandidos is streaming on Netflix in Spanish, English, and Hindi. It explores themes of family, heists, betrayals, identity crisis, and more.
The series revolves around the story of two people who embark on a thrilling and dangerous journey to discover a treasure hidden within the depths of the ocean. The treasure is hidden in an ancient Spanish galleon, a ship that holds many secrets, not just the money.
Bandidos is a Spanish-language thriller series with a perfect blend of suspense, action, and adventure that you will want to experience. It promises stunning visuals and a unique approach to the story, differentiating it from other action drama stories.
Cast and production of Bandidos Season 2
The cast of Bandidos includes Ester Exposito, Juan Pablo Medina, Nicolas Furtado, Andrea Chaparro, Mabel Cadena, Andrea Chaparro, Alfonso Dosal, Andres Baida and Bruno Bichir, Luis Gerardo Mendez, Ximena Lamadrid as Regina, Pol Hermoso as Leo, Bruno Bichir as Juan Morales, Adrian Ladron as Burnt Face, and Juan Pablo Fuentes as Lucas, among others.
It is written by Pablo Tebar and Jesica Aran. Adrian Grunberg has directed the series with Javier Ruiz Caldera. It is produced by Stacy Perskie, Mark Holder, Adrien Grunberg, Christine Holder, and Andrew J Wilson under the banner of Wonder Street, Traziende Films, and Redrum.