Prime Minister Narendra Modi was introducing the BJP candidates on the platform of the public meeting. During this time, when BJP candidate Ravindra Negi from Patparganj assembly constituency reached, he touched the Prime Minister’s feet.
In response, PM Modi immediately turned back three times and touched his feet three times, which surprised everyone on the stage. The video of this entire incident is becoming increasingly viral on social media.
Who is Ravindra Negi?
Ravindra Negi is originally from Uttarakhand and is a corporation councilor from Vinod Nagar Ward-198 in Delhi. His ward comes in Patparganj assembly constituency itself. He is counted among the youth and fast-paced leaders of the BJP.
In the last election, he contested against Manish Sisodia and gave a tough fight. However, this time the Aam Aadmi Party has fielded educationist Awadh Ojha in front of him.
Modi’s unique style
Prime Minister Modi has often been seen touching the feet of the elderly, but this is the first time that he touched the feet of a young candidate of his own party.
This video is becoming increasingly viral, which people are likeing and forwarding.
Negi can get benefit
Ravindra Negi worked active in the area for five consecutive years even after the defeat to Sisodia. The number of voters of Uttarakhand origin in Patparganj Assembly is also quite high, which can give them the benefit of social equation.
Now it will be interesting to see how much this viral video affects this election match.