The idea of ​​getting married at a good time is sometimes perfect for an arranged marriage. But this is not the case in love marriage. If you get married at such an auspicious time, the relationship does not last long.


Close Relationship Stages for a Man

When they are in a relationship, most people do not know when is the right time for marriage. What level of relationship is right for marriage? What do 99% of people do wrong when it comes to marriage? Check out the 5 stages of a relationship here.


stages of relationship dating

First Stage of Love: Love comes naturally when you fall in love with someone. I like talking and hanging out with them. At this point, that person means everything to you. You feel that this is the ideal person you have been looking for.


5 stages of relationships

Time for change: As you spend more time with each other, you get to know both the good and the bad. Then you realize they aren’t as perfect as you thought. During this time couples try to change each other.


stages of relationship before marriage

Understanding each other: After this fight, couples accept each other and change. They decide to leave behind their anger and stubbornness and move forward with the good qualities of their partner.


5 stages of marriage

Time to think about marriage: This is the fourth stage of the relationship. When you take marriage vows, you have seen the good and bad habits of your partner in 3 stages. At this time you share love, honesty, understanding, weakness, failure, success, happiness, freedom.


Relationship stages by months

Final Stage: After marriage the couple starts working as a team. During this time they have children or career or some other project. During this time, both support each other and want to move forward together.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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