Drinking detox drinks has become quite common these days, but it is important to know when you feel the need to detox your body. Every day we consume foods that contain chemicals, and we also come in contact with pollution. This can cause toxins to accumulate in our body, which can cause various health problems. Everyone knows about liver detox, but apart from this, if you feel any of these 7 signs, then understand that your body needs detox.

Signs of need for body detox

  1. persistent constipation

    If you have been suffering from constipation for a long time, it is a sign that your intestines need detox. This will remove rotting food and toxins.

  2. blotting

    When your stomach is full of undigested food, fermentation occurs in it, causing problems like gas, acidity and bloating. In such a situation, detox is needed.

  3. body odor

    Normal sweat has no odor, but if you notice a strange smell, it may be a sign that your liver or kidneys need detoxification.

  4. fatigue, weakness, headache

    When toxins accumulate in the body, problems like fatigue, weakness and headache arise. Consuming detox water or detox tea will relax your body and flush out toxins.

  5. weight gain

    If your weight is increasing rapidly, it is also a sign that your body needs detox. This will reduce inflammation in the body and prevent unnecessary weight gain.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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