Microblading Treatment: Eyes play an important role in the beauty of the face. Thick, curvy and beautiful eyebrows not only enhance your face but also your personality. But if your eyebrows are light, rare or uneven, you can consider trying various beauty remedies to improve them. You must have heard of microblading.

Nowadays many Bollywood and TV celebrities are also adopting this treatment to give their eyebrows a perfect look. But what is microblading? How is this done and is this the right choice for you? Let us know about it in detail.

What is microblading treatment?

Microblading is a semi-stable tattoo technique. In which color is added to them to make your natural eyebrows thick and more attractive. This treatment is performed using a special type of fine blades and pigments, through which short hair is made between the eyebrows. They look exactly like natural eyebrows, so that your look looks natural rather than artificial. Microblading is considered the best for those whose eyebrows are lighter or who want to avoid using repeated eyebrows pencils or other makeup products.

What is microblading treatment process?

This treatment takes about 2-3 hours, in which several stages are followed. In which the eyebrows are shaped after consultation. First, the beauty specialist determines the right size by looking at the size, facial texture and skin color. During treatment, an eyebrow area is applied to the eyebrow area to reduce pain. After this a framework is prepared, in which the shape of eyebrows is made with a special pencil, so that the client gets an idea of ​​the final look.

Then the microblading process begins. The pigment is added using fine blades. Ultimately, the treatment process begins and the final result begins to appear in a few weeks.

Benefits of Microblading

This treatment gives a natural look to your eyebrows. Due to which the mess of makeup ends. In addition, eyebrows look natural and thick. The effect of this treatment lasts for 1-2 years. Therefore, this is the best option for those who are disturbed by eyebrow hair loss. It is waterproof, so your eyebrows will not be spoiled even in sweat or rain.


Who should not get microblading done?

People whose skin is very sensitive or those who are at risk of skin allergies should avoid this treatment. In addition, people who are suffering from diabetes, skin disease or blood clotting problem should also avoid this treatment. This treatment will not last long on those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or whose skin is very oily.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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