What girls search on mobile at night : It is the most difficult task in the world to find out what is going on in the minds of women and girls. However, now a report has been released about what young girls search for through Artificial Intelligence or Google Search. In this, we have been able to understand what young girls search on Google alone at night. The report released by Google (Google Report) is about girls aged 15 to 34 years.
Beauty Tips – Beauty Tips
Everyone wants to look different from others. For this, girls always keep searching for different types of tips on the internet. Which beauty products to use, which not to use, are there any home remedies to increase facial glow? Girls search about this on the internet.
Many career options – Career Options
According to this report, girls give more importance to their career. Girls think about their career alone and get information about it. According to Google’s report, which career should girls choose in the future? Girls want information about which course they should do in the future
E Commerce Deal – E Commerce Deal
It would not be wrong to say that the shopping plan starts in the minds of girls. This has been proved by research as well. Girls search for what deals are available on which website, where are the discounts, where is the latest collection.
Romantic Songs – Romantic Songs
We all love to listen to songs. When it comes to girls, many girls search for romantic songs on the internet and listen to them for their mothers too.