Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal has responded to the second notice of the Election Commission. In this notice, the Election Commission had asked five questions to Kejriwal, which he presented a detailed reply on his behalf. After the BJP’s complaint and Kejriwal’s two answers, the decision is now dependent on the Election Commission.

Kejriwal, in his reply to the Election Commission, cited a statement issued by the CEO of the Delhi Jal Board, which was released on January 27, a few hours after his tweet. On January 27, at 1:51 pm, Kejriwal made a tweet, alleging poisoning in Yamuna. After his statement, the CEO of the Delhi Jal Board issued a statement in the evening, in which he talked about increasing the level of ammonia, not poisoning.

Now the question is arising that at the time when Kejriwal claimed to be poisoned in Yamuna, what did he have at that time? Delhi Chief Minister Atishi had already said in the first press conference that the level of ammonia in Yamuna has increased considerably, due to which 30% of Delhi’s water supply could be affected. Kejriwal told the Election Commission that his statement was in the context of this increased ammonia level, which he had mentioned earlier.

Election Commission questions and Kejriwal’s answers:

  1. Question: What kind of poison did the Haryana government add to Yamuna?
    answer: Ammonia
  2. Question: Provide evidence about the amount of poison, nature and how to identify it to prove that the massacre could have occurred.
    answer: On 27 January, the statement of the CEO of the Delhi Jal Board, which is being attached.
  3. Question: Where was the poison mixed?
    answer: According to the CEO’s statement, the Delhi Jal Board gave information on 27 January.
  4. Question: Which engineers of Delhi Jal Board gave this information and how to find out?
    answer: CEO of Delhi Jal Board and other officials.
  5. Question: What method did engineers use to prevent water from entering water in Delhi?
    answer: This information can be confirmed by the CEO and other officials of Delhi Jal Board.

Kejriwal’s statement that caused a dispute

Kejriwal had alleged that the BJP government of Haryana had added poison to the Yamuna, and if it was not stopped, it could have caused a massacre for the people of Delhi. He had said, “Thirsty people cannot cause great sin. The BJP is trying to kill Delhiites. BJP people from Haryana are sending poison in water and sending Delhi, and if this water is drunk, many people can die. This work is disgusting, and we will not let it happen. “

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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