Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, took her prayers and thoughts on social media about the brutal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan that took place in his Mumbai residence. The actor was stabbed 6 times on the spine in a attempt to robbery at his Bandra home.

In her recent X post (formerly Twitter), West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee shared her concerns regarding the incident that took place at the Bandra residence of the actor and prayed for his speedy recovery.

CM Mamata Banerjee Reacts On Saif Ali Khan Attack

CM Mamata Banerjee conveyed her message through a X post that read: “It’s very concerning to hear about the attack on noted actor Saif Ali Khan. I pray for his speedy recovery, trusting that the law will take its course and those responsible will be held accountable. My thoughts and prayers are with Sharmila Di, Kareena Kapoor, and the entire family during this difficult time.”

CM Mamata Banerjee extended her thoughts in difficult times to the actor’s family addressing Khan’s mother Sharmila Tagore as ‘Sharmila di’ and wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and the entire family.

In the same X post, Mamata Banerjee expressed her confidence in the law and emphasized that those responsible will face consequences, stating ‘trusting that the law will take its course and those responsible will be held accountable’

Many celebrities like NTR Jr., Pooja Bhatt and politicians have been sharing their prayers and shock upon the attack and robbery attempt incident that took place at Saif Ali Khan’s residence.

Saif Ali Khan Attacked Updates

Actor Saif Ali Khan is safe after being stabbed during an attempted burglary at his Bandra home at approximately 2:30 am on Thursday. Saif suffered several injuries and had surgery at Lilavati Hospital, which finished by noon. His team verified that he is on the mend, with medical staff observing his recovery. They expressed gratitude to fans, supporters, and the hospital personnel for their assistance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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