TV actor Yogesh Mahajan passes away: Another sad news has come out from the television world. Famous actor Yogesh Mahajan, who worked in Hindi TV serials and Marathi films, passed away. It has been revealed that the actor died due to a heart attack. A few days ago, young TV actor Aman Jaiswal had died. He died in an accident when his bike collided with a truck. He was going to audition.

How did you die?

Yogesh’s fans and friends are shocked by his sudden demise and people are coming to pay emotional tribute to him. According to reports, the actor died in his flat, which was located in the shooting complex. When he did not come for the shooting, the crew members reached his flat. When he did not open the door when he knocked, fearing something untoward, he broke the door. When the crew members reached home they were surprised. The actor’s body was found in the flat.

Doctors said- he had a heart attack

Although the actor was taken to the hospital, the doctors at the hospital also declared him dead and said that he died due to a heart attack. Yogesh’s co-star Akanksha Rawat said that Yogesh was a very nice person. His sense of humor was also good. We were shooting together for a year. Now everyone is in shock.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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