Aries: Dear Aries, this week brings insight with respect to your finances and financial stability. Your intuition and inner-guidance shall be helpful. Be wary of expending your energy on being of service to others.
Taurus: Dear Taurus, you are asked to be careful of the responsibilities you are willing to handle or you may end up having a very busy week. Pay close attention to your health.
Gemini: Dear Gemini, indecision could create a stalemate in your situation. You are asked to have faith in divine timing. Beware of those who are trying to influence you using emotional tactics.
Cancer: Dear Cancerians, you are advised to focus on achieving balance and a sense of calmness. Avoid unnecessary activities, responsibilities and overworking. Some of you may need to recover from fatigue or a health condition.
Leo: Dear Leo, you are going to be more emotional than usual. You will reflect a lot over your personal ties and get nostalgic. In your career, stay open to new opportunities and keep a growth oriented approach.

Virgo: Dear Virgo, this week you are going to be full of energy, enthusiasm, zest and creative spark. You may gain recognition and attention. You will feel the need to take a leap of faith and head towards fresh new beginnings.
Libra: Dear Libra, this week you are going to be in the mood to win no matter what. Your attitude could be a little competitive and ruthless. Teamwork could prove to be challenging. Beware of power struggles and temper issues.
Scorpio: Dear Scorpio, this week you may rebel against restrictions or things that have been holding you back. Your sense of self-worth will be awakened. You will not accept shoddy treatment and will demand clear answers.

Sagittarius: Dear Sagittarius, this week shall be about impactful choices and decision-making. You are advised to be more decisive. Stay true to your gutsy and optimistic Sagittarius nature.

Capricorn: Dear Capricorn, this week you are asked to shed your responsibilities. It is time to free yourself, travel, indulge, meet people, and enjoy. You could celebrate a happy occasion with your loved ones.
Aquarius: Dear Aquarius, it is time to steadily fight back your demons and unhealthy habits. Try not to indulge or interfere in other people’s drama. Stay rooted and grounded to your own truth. Find sanctuary in places that bring peace.

Pisces: Dear Pisces, you are going to be blessed with insight into your hidden inner-world, intuition and spirituality. It is time to prioritise rest, healing, yoga, meditation, reflection, and take a step back from regular activities.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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