Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): West Central Railway (WCR) has collected Rs 35.5 lakh from litterers in last 11 months. WCR covers all stations of Jabalpur, Bhopal and Kota divisions.
In the campaign run by the Railways against the litterers from April 2024 to February 2025 of the current financial year, a total of 19502 cases were reported, from whom a total fine of Rs 35,49000 was as collected.
In the campaign run against the litterers in the month of February alone, a total of 1024 cases were caught, from whom a total fine of Rs 2.03 lakh was collected. Apart from this, along with the fine, such people are also given advice. Along with this, information about the damage caused by dirt is also given and a request is also made to keep the station premises clean.
As per WCR, Regular cleanliness is ensured in railway stations and trains of divisions, along with these passengers are also made aware through regular announcements. Under this, passengers are made aware to keep the station premises clean, not to smoke and not to litter here and there. Despite repeated warnings, some people are careless, against such people, action is taken by the railway administration from time to time by imposing penalty under the Railway Act.