Nowadays women are very troubled by unwanted hair growing on their face. Despite taking various types of treatments in the parlor, these hairs do not go away. This problem is mainly related to hormones, which is directly related to your lifestyle and diet. If you want to get rid of facial hair, then leave some things in your diet and include these healthy options.

Reasons responsible for facial hair

The main reasons for unwanted facial hair growth in women are high androgen levels, insulin resistance, and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). If you want to eliminate facial hair forever, you will have to focus internally and changes made in diet will prove to be effective.

1. Stabilize blood sugar

Completely eliminate refined carbs from your daily diet and eat nutritious food rich in protein, natural fats, and fiber. This will keep your blood sugar level stable.

2. It is necessary to detox the liver

The liver may also be responsible for facial hair, as it processes hormones like testosterone. Therefore it is necessary to detoxify the liver. Include vegetables like kale and broccoli in your diet, which are beneficial for the liver.

3. Eat anti-inflammatory foods

Eliminate processed foods or packaged foods from your diet completely. Instead, eat anti-inflammatory foods. Include Omega 3 foods like flax seeds in your diet daily.

By including these three measures in your daily life, you can reduce unwanted facial hair and keep your skin healthy.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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