Mumbai: Lakhs of litres of water was wasted after a massive pipeline burst in Mumbai’s Bandra area on Tuesday. The video of water shooting up to the sky can be seen in the video which went viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that a huge amount of water is getting wasted due to the pipeline burst. Central and South Mumbai area in the city is likely to witness water cut due to the pipeline burst in the area. The video shows the water shooting up to a height of around 50-feet in the air and people are seen enjoying the water falling on them near the pipeline burst site.
There are reports that there will be water shortage in various areas of the city due to the water pipeline burst. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has not yet reached the spot for repairing the water leakage in the pipeline. The city is already facing a water cut of 10% due to repair works being carried out at the pneumatic gate system at Pise. It is a critical water distribution point to the city. The BMC had announced that the city will witness a water cut of 10% from December 1 to 5.
The BMC also said that the repair works will also effect the water supply to Thane and Bhiwandi Municipal Corporations. The repair work is said to be critical for the water distribution system in the city for restoring the proper functioning. The repair work will require temporary reduction in water supply. However, the city which is already facing a water shortage will face more water cut due to the pipeline burst in Bandra.
The reason behind the water pipeline burst in not ascertained yet and there are no reports of the BMC repairing the water pipeline soon. Mumbaikars living in central and southern part of the city should prepare themselves for a possible water shortage as a large amount of water is getting wasted due to the pipeline burst.