Aurangabad: Water Resources Minister Dr Vikhe Patil Calls For Unified Effort To Make Maharashtra Drought-Free |

“The water resources department has enormous potential, and this department will make Maharashtra water prosperous. It will make the farmers happy and the state drought-free. We all need to work unitedly for it,” appealed the state water resources minister Dr Radhakrishnan Vikhe Patil.

He was speaking during the prize distribution function of the sports and cultural competition organised by the Godavari Marathwada Irrigation Development Corporation at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University auditorium on Thursday.

Executive director Santosh Tirmanwar, chief engineer Prakash Misal, chief engineer Jayant Gawali, Vijay Ghogare, superintending engineer Iliyaas Chisti, Pallavi Jagtap, Ajay Dabhade, Bharat Shingade, and other dignitaries were present.

Vikhe Patil further said, “Such sports and cultural competitions are needed for reducing the work pressure on the officers and employees. If the work is done under pressure, the process of development hampers. These events provide opportunities for communication between officers and employees.”

“The water resources department is directly connected to farmers, and hence there is a need to increase communication with them. Efforts are being made to ensure the department becomes more communicative with farmers. The drought conditions in the state can be reduced by increasing irrigation efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on aspects like water management, irrigation criteria, water audits, and adopting new technologies. Farmers should be made more literate in the efficient and judicious use of water,” he added.

The program began with the dignitaries lighting the traditional lamp. Vikhe Patil was also honored with the conferring of a doctorate degree. Winners of the competition were felicitated with prizes and certificates. Pravina Kannadkar conducted the proceedings of the function.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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