If you use the Apple device, then this news is for you. The Government of India has recently issued an important alert for Apple device users. According to a report, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-in) has released an advisory about security flaws in iPads, MACS and other Apple products. These flaws allow hackers to steal personal data on the device or bypass authentication. Let us know what kind of users these flaws can affect and what are the measures to prevent it.
This device of Apple in danger
CERT-in has reported security flaws in several Apple devices including iPads, MACS and Apple TV. These flaws will have the most impact on users who use Macos, iOS and iPados devices, whether individual or commercial users.
Hackers can steal personal data
These flaws have been classified as ‘high risk’ as they give hackers an opportunity to involve illegal activities, such as obtaining unauthorized access, stealing data, obtaining control of system, executing arbitrary codes , Bypassing security restrictions, changing data and attacking DOS (Denial-off-Service).
Causes of these flaws according to Cert-in:
- Tap pointer dearfers
- Type confusion aerrs
- Use-of-free aerrs
- Out-off-bounds rights
- File handling and passing problems
- Flaws of input validations
Affected software version:
- Apple MacoS Sikoia version before 15.3
- Apple MacoS Sonoma version before 14.7.3
- Apple MacoS Ventura version before 13.7.3
- Apple iPadoS version before 17.7.4
- Apple iOS version before 18.3
- Apple TVOS version before 18.3
- Apple VisionOS version before 2.3
- Apple Safari version before 18.3
- Apple WatchOS version before 11.3
Do this work to stay safe
CERT-in advice users to timely update their devices or enable automatic updates to cure them before taking advantage of these flaws. This step will keep your device safe and your data will also be safe.