Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): A wanted criminal, Ankush Pandey, who was absconding in an attempted murder case, has been arrested by the Adhartal police in Jabalpur. Pandey, carrying a reward of ₹5,000 on his head, has a history of 17 crimes.

The police recovered a pistol and four cartridges from him during the arrest.

Officials stated that his capture is a significant breakthrough in tackling criminal activities in the region. Further investigations are ongoing.

The action was taken after the Police had received a tip that Ankush Pandey was planning to carry out some incident near Adhartal pond with a pistol. Based on the information, the police force immediately deployed to the spot.

Police seized pistol & 4 cartridges

After Ankush saw the police, he tried to escape but the police had trapped him till then. After a lot of effort, the police caught him and recovered pistol and four cartridges from his waist. The police then seized the pistol and cartridges on the spot and registered a case against him under sections 25 and 27 of the Arms Act.

The police team took this action under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police Sonali Dubey and Police Station Incharge Rajkumar Khatik.

The police are trying to find out the sources from where he has obtained the pistol and cartridges.

17 Criminal cases registered

Notably, a total of 17 cases are registered against him under attempt to murder, illegal extortion, rebellion, assault, sabotage, Explosives Act and Arms Act. He was absconding in the attempt to murder case of Adhartal police station and then, Jabalpur Superintendent of Police announced a reward of ₹5,000 for his arrest.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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