Everyone wants to go abroad to earn big money and live a good life. In such a situation, they work hard to get a visa for their favorite country, where they can go and make their career.
In terms of earning, some people want a country where they can enjoy the quality of life and the climate there. If you are looking for a place where there is no hassle of visa etc. and you can earn on the go and travel as per your wish. The name of this place is Svalbard.
covered with snow most of the time
Svalbard is a very beautiful archipelago, where there is snow for most of the year. This is the reason why people come here from every corner of the world. The special thing is that no visa etc. is required to visit, earn, live etc. here. In simple words, Indians can easily move here and get jobs without any hassle. Most of the jobs here are related to the tourism sector as people come here to visit and see the Northern Lights.
Why is visa free?
Let us tell you that Norway is responsible for Svalbard. Then this is a unique policy. The reason for this is the Svalbard Treaty of 1920. The treaty states that citizens of any country can live, work and travel here without any visa or residence permit. Svalbard is famous all over the world because of its open policy. So travelers just pack their bags and head to Svalbard.
What is the problem?
Let us tell you that even though Svalbard itself comes under the visa free policy, to reach here you have to first go to Norway, this is where everything stops because Norway is part of the Schengen visa and to go to Shengen, a Schengen visa is required. it occurs. Then you have to come to Norway.
Let us tell you that Svalbard is a very cold place. It is present near the Arctic Circle. The temperature here reaches -20 degrees Celsius in winter. Apart from this, there is 24 hours of daylight here in summer. Apart from this, if you fall ill here, you will have to go directly to Norway.