Actor Virendra Saxena, who is seen in the role of Jassi’s father in the TV serial ‘Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi’, has recently shared interesting things about the early days of Shahrukh Khan in an interview. Virendra told how Shahrukh started bringing him to the sets in his car at the beginning of his career.
In an interview given to YouTube channel ‘Friday Talkies’, Virendra said, “Shahrukh is like my child. His first job was with me. I played her father in ‘Dil Dariya’.” She also told that Shahrukh used to take her to the shooting sets in his white Maruti, while his show ‘Fauji’ was airing on TV. Virendra mentioned that Hema Malini had also cast him for her film ‘Dil Aashna Hai’ after seeing his performance in ‘Fauji’.
Reminiscing about the days of the film ‘Kabhi Haan Kabhi Na’, Virendra said, “We had worked together a lot, so he was like a child to me.” She also told that during the shooting in Goa, Shahrukh introduced her to his wife Gauri Khan, and she was surprised to know that he was already married.
Virendra further said, “Now Shahrukh is a big man, but the good thing is that he still has the same respect for me. Whenever we meet, we greet each other, but I never bother him. People who reach great heights sometimes think that if we talk to them more then perhaps we are expecting something from them. So, whenever we meet, we just greet, but I never bother her.”