After struggling to score runs during the recent Border Gavaskar series, Virat Kohli decided to seek some divine help as he was spotted visiting Vrindavan along with his family. A video doing the rounds on social media sees Kohli and Anushka Sharma along with their kids Vamika and Akaay meeting meet Shri Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj.

The two kids are sitting on the lap of Kohli and Anushka. but their faces are blurred. This is not the first time Kohli has been spotted at a spiritual place. Back in 2022, when Kohli was going through a rough patch, he visited the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Kainchi Dham with his wife. Soon after that visit, Kohli found his form.

Virat Kohli faces uncertain future in Test

A poor Border Gavaskar series has seen Virat Kohli facing an uncertain future in the longest format of the game. The 36-year-old ended the tour with a modest 190 runs in nine innings, averaging just 23.75. The series began on a high note, with Kohli reaching a significant milestone by becoming the batter with the most Test hundreds on Australian soil, registering his seventh ton during the Perth Test. Following the century he just scored 85 runs in seven more innings of the five-match series

While runs had dried up against Australia, Kohli made headlines for his on-field antics. Durign the final match at Sydney Cricket Ground, Kohli shoulder bumped Sam Konstas, an incident for which the ICC sanctioned him. Additionally, Kohli attempted to provoke the Australian crowd with a sandpaper gesture.

The next assignment for Kohli will be against England in June-July. Reports have emerged that he is likely to play county cricket to prepare for the England series. However playing county will also depend on whether makes it to the IPL final or not.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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