Star batsman of Team India Virat Kohli The return to domestic cricket did not remain in accordance with expectations. After 12 years, Kohli, who came out to play Ranji Trophy, returned to the pavilion after scoring just 6 runs in the first innings. He faced 15 balls and hit a four, but Himanshu became clean bowled off Sangwan.
In the seventh round of the Ranji Trophy, Delhi is running with Railways. Railways scored 241 runs in the first innings, in response to which Delhi had lost four wickets within 100 runs. Virat Kohli expected a big innings, but his early dismissal proved to be a big shock not only for the team, but also for the fans.
How was Virat Kohli out?
Virat Kohli came to the crease when Yash returned after washed out. He was strongly welcomed on the field. He opened his account with a single off 5th ball and hit Himanshu Sangwan in the 28th over. But on the very next ball, he missed in an attempt to play a big shot. The ball came out of their bat and pad and went straight to stumps.
As soon as Kohli was out, the stump fell away, which made this wicket memorable for any bowler. Himanshu Sangwan, who is not a very popular name in the Ranji Trophy, won a big moment by cleaning one of the biggest batsmen of Indian cricket.
Fans got disappointment
As soon as Kohli was dismissed, the audience on the field also disappointed and started going out of the stadium. Ddca To make his return to domestic cricket special, a free entry for fans was made, but the audience did not get a chance to see his long innings.
However, the second innings is still left, and the fans will expect King Kohli to be seen in his vast style next time.