Former India cricketer Vinod Kambli paid homage to late childhood coach Ramakant Achrekar by singing an old Bollywood movie. In the video that has gone viral on social media, Kambli can be heard singing ‘sir jo tera chakraye, ya dil dooba jaye’ which drew applause from Sachin Tendulkar after he finished the song. Kambli ended his address in Marathi with “Love you, (Achrekar) sir.
Cricket icon Sachin Tendulkar and MNS chief Raj Thackeray on Tuesday unveiled legendary cricket coach Ramakant Achrekar’s memorial at the iconic Shivaji Park. The memorial was unveiled near Gate No 5.
The event saw a heartfelt reunion of some of Achrekar’s most celebrated protégés, including Paras Mambhrey, Pravin Amre, Balwinder Singh Sandhu, Samir Dighe, and Sanjay Bangar.
However, it was the special bond between Tendulkar and Kambli that captured everyone’s attention. A viral video showed Kambli holding Tendulkar’s hand tightly, unwilling to let go, even as Tendulkar was called on stage. Their camaraderie stole the spotlight, touching the hearts of many.
Achrekar, who passed away in 2019, is hailed as one of the greatest cricket coaches the country has ever produced. He was instrumental in shaping up careers of many Indian cricketers, including Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli.
Kambli and Tendulkar made headlines when they added a staggering 664 runs for their school in the Harris Shield match, with both scoring triple hundreds for themselves. Both youngsters not only caught everyone’s attention but were destined for greatness.
However Kambli’s career didn’t last long. He played 17 Tests and 104 ODIs, which also included two double hundreds in Tests before fading way. Tendulkar, on the other hand, shatter records for fun enroute to greatness. Tendulkar ended his career with 200 Tests and 463 ODIs, with 100 international centuries.