The makers of Zahan Kapoor and Rahul Bhat’s web series, Black Warrant, unveiled its intriguing trailer on Friday (January 3). Directed by Vikramaditya Motwane and Satyanshu Singh, the show is all set to release on January 10. It is based on the life of rookie jailer Sunil Gupta and gives a detailed account of the mayhem at Tihar Jail, one of the largest prisons in India.
The trailer of Black Warrant shows how Zahan’s character Sunil gets entangled in a system where power, reputation, and survival come at a steep price. Along with his two trusted colleagues, he navigates the unfaithful corridors of Tihar Jail, facing its infamous inmates and the deeply rooted politics that define the prison.
The trailer of the prison drama also gives a glimpse of how the trio takes on the towering challenges that come their way.
This unprecedented narrative also delves into the personal stories of inmates and officers, exploring the intricate and often turbulent relationships within the prison walls. It would be interesting to see if they can challenge the system and inspire meaningful change.
The show also features Paramvir Singh Cheema, Anurag Thakur, Sidhant Gupta, Rajshri Deshpande, Tota Roy Chaudhary and Rajendra Gupta.
Vikramaditya Motwane said, “Black Warrant has offered us the opportunity to explore a world that’s often hidden from view—one that’s tough, complicated, and full of contradictions. Sunil’s journey through Tihar Jail provided a unique perspective like no other to capture that complexity. The trailer is just a glimpse of how the series will peel back the layers of a world that is as brutal as it is complex as it is fun.”
Vikramaditya and Satyanshu serve as showrunners and directors alongside Ambiecka Pandit, Arkesh Ajay and Rohin Raveendran Nair. The show has been written by Sunil Gupta and Sunetra Choudhury. It is schedule to release on Netflix on January 10.