Filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane, who is currently receiving praise for his latest web series Black Warrant, has called out the makers of Sanya Malhotra’s upcoming film Mrs for not crediting the technicians who worked on the project. He also criticised the makers for not crediting the makers of the original Malayalam film, The Great Indian Kitchen, from which it is inspired.
Taking to his official Instagram account on Thursday (January 30), Motwane re-shared a news post which questioned why the technicians of Mrs were not mentioned in the trailer of the film, which was released officially a few days back.
“Oh the irony of the producers making a film about someone who toils in the kitchen whilst having artistic dreams and then not crediting the artists themselves. Or the creator of the original film,” the filmmaker mentioned.
Also, the creators of Mrs have not acknowledged in the YouTube description that the film is an adaptation of The Great Indian Kitchen – the critically acclaimed 2021 Malayalam film. The original, which won the Kerala State Film Award for Best Film, was widely praised for its powerful social commentary and was also remade in Tamil.
The end credit slate towards the end of the trailer shows ‘teams’ from the production house, studio, and streaming platform (Zee 5), however, there is no mention of any technicians.
It may be noted that the description of the trailer on YouTube mentions the names of technicians.
End credit slate of Mrs |
The story of Mrs revolves around the life of Richa (Sanya), a trained dancer, who struggles in her new role as a housewife after she marries Diwakar (played by Nishant Dahiya). Richa tries to fulfill her duties towards his family, but struggles to keep up with her dream of becoming a dancer.
Directed by Arati Kadav, the film is all set to release digitally on February 7, 2025. It also stars Kanwaljit Singh, Aparna Ghoshal, Mrinal Kulkarni, and Nitya Moyal.