The Chak De girl, Vidya Malavade, gushes, “Released in December 2024, Mismatched Season 3 has brought a shower of love from the audience for my character Zeenat Karim. And the response is getting bigger and better every season.” She adds my January release Sangee is about friendship, and for me, my husband was my friend, is my friend, and will remain my friend all my life. Personally too, with every anniversary, her love story with husband Sanjay Dayma is flourishing.

Q. When and how did you meet your husband, Sanjay?

A. The first time I met Sanjay was at the premiere of his film Ramji Londonwaley. It was a brief meeting, and I really liked the film very much. I complimented him; it was basically small talk. My manager had recommended the film because the director was onto making something new.

Q. What was your initial reaction when you met him?

A. I think the initial reaction was to the film, not to him. So there were no sparks and stuff like that. But I noticed he was very humble and sweet.

Q. What are the qualities that you like about him?

A. He is clearly intelligent and extremely articulate, two qualities that appeal to me. I always wanted to learn from someone; he is so well-read and aware. I can have a conversation with him about books, movies, literature and more. I think he likes me just because I’m really young at heart. He is very protective about me; he likes the child-woman aspect of me, though I am an extremely independent, sharp-on-the-go girl. Also, I’m a good actor, maybe, so yeah.

Q. Who took the initiative to fix a date?

A. It was not a date; it was a professional conversation that lasted for almost like two hours. It was quite refreshing. I can speak nineteen to the dozen, and he’s articulate, so maybe that was the icebreaker.

Vidya Malavade and Sanjay Dayma

Vidya Malavade and Sanjay Dayma |

Q. Where did you guys go for the first date, I mean the first professional meeting?

A. I think it was at Sun and Sand because I was going to have another meeting there too.

Q. Who said “I love you” first?

A. He did. I wasn’t very sure about us. He chased me for almost two years, and I was very, very impressed by his never-say-die dedication and said yes.

Q. Who’s more possessive?

A. Neither. I think he is more protective of me; we are both extremely independent. Neither of us is possessive, thank God for it.

Q. Who is funnier between the two?

A. I’m more funny, always.

Q. Who is the spendthrift?

A. I am, totally.

Q. Who is the cleanliness freak?

A. I am a cleanliness freak akin to Monica Geller from the serial Friends.

Q. Who is short-tempered, you or him?

A. I’m quite patient, and so is he. I may lose my temper for a minute, and then I am back. Both of us sulk, but we don’t really lose it ever.

Q. Who apologises after a fight?

A. I do. I can’t have bad blood. I can’t stay with negativity for too long. I say, “I am sorry, ho gaya mistake.” That’s it.

Q. Any lifestyle adjustments you had to make?

A. Of course, all marriages come with adjustments. You have to give space and be given space. There are times when you are like, “Oh my God, I don’t know what I’m doing here, and I just want to get away.” But those are fleeting moments.

Q. How has your relationship changed from the time you both met to now being husband and wife?

A. Our relationship is forever changing; the only constant is the love and respect we have for each other. You realise there is a problem when conversations die. You have to work towards your marriage every single day, and it comes together.

Q. What do your husband and you have in common?

A. We both love movies and telling each other stories about ourselves.

Q. What does love mean to you?

A. Love for me is respect and trust. If either one of them goes missing, love flies out of the window. Even if the world is falling apart, you have to make your partner feel that you have this one person who will be by your side through it all. And he will show you the right path.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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