Chenab Bridge: Jammu-Srinagar railway line is going to open soon. Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav has said about this in his Twitter post. However, the most important trial trains have been successfully tested on the Katra-Banihal track. The special thing is that this train ran at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour on the more than 1100 feet high Chenab Bridge. The Union Minister has shared the information about this successful trial through his social media post.
Final trial on railway route was successful
According to CRS Dinesh Chand Deshwal, ‘This railway track from Katra to Banihal has been quite challenging. It is a 180 degree inclined track but a trial train has been successfully tested on it. On Wednesday, the train left Katra station at 10.30 am and running fast, reached Banihal station in about one and a half hour. This was the last trial run on the track which was successful. The data collected from all the trial runs will be analyzed before taking a decision on starting direct train service to Kashmir.
Railway Minister said a big thing by sharing the post
Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav has posted a video of this trial train running on the country’s highest bridge on his Twitter account. In this post he wrote that ‘The trial train was successfully tested on Chenab Bridge at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour, which is indeed a historic day. Jammu-Srinagar railway line is ready to start soon.
In the video post shared by the Railway Minister, the train is seen passing through this bridge at high speed. The speed of this train was 110 kilometers per hour. After this, there is hope that direct rail service will start soon between Kashmir and other parts of the country. Not only Chenab Bridge but also Anji Khad Bridge on this railway route is challenging. Wherever this train was seen running at the same speed. Chenab Bridge is the highest bridge in the country and has a height of 359 meters or 1178 feet and length of 1315 meters (4,314 feet) above sea level. This makes it taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris, which stands at 324 metres. It has cost an estimated Rs 14,000 crore to prepare it.
6 trial runs on railway track last month
Let us tell you that before the final trial run on Katra-Banihal track on Wednesday, a total of 6 trial runs were completed on different continents last month. However, Dinesh Chand Deshwal, Northern Divisional Commissioner (CRS) for Railway Safety, did not give information about when railway services can resume, but according to him all the tests so far have been satisfactory. Now using this data we will prepare the report soon and appropriate decision will be taken.