Venus transit 2025: In astrology, the planet Venus is considered a factor of happiness, enjoyment, love and wealth. When the planet Venus is set, it improves internally and external dazzle is low. Even on Friday, its existence or rise affects zodiac signs.
Venus has now set in Pisces. The existence of Venus has brought good luck for people of some zodiac signs. Even after Venus is set, happiness will increase in the lives of these 3 zodiac signs. As long as Venus will be disturbed, people of this zodiac will celebrate happiness. Let us tell you what this amount is.
The lord of Taurus is the planet Venus. Venus is set in the 11th house of the horoscope. Due to which people of Taurus zodiac will get auspicious results. During this time there will be financial benefits and the stalled work will be completed. Investment will benefit in future. Business will benefit.
Venus has been set in the seventh house of Virgo zodiac, due to which changes will be seen in life. The situation of old relationships will improve. Problems will be solved in married life. There will be benefit in the work done in partnership.
Venus will remain in the third house of Capricorn. Small and big trips can be planned. People associated with the creative field will benefit more during this period. The relationship between siblings will be stronger.