Venus and Rahu are considered very important planets in astrology. A slight change in the position of these two planets can affect the life of each zodiac sign in some way or the other. The union of these two planets can brighten the fortunes of many zodiac signs. At the beginning of the year 2025, Venus will change its zodiac sign and enter Pisces. Where planet Rahu is already present. There is a conjunction of Rahu and Venus in Pisces, due to which some zodiac signs can get huge benefits. Let us know which zodiac sign will be lucky in the year 2025…
Venus and Rahu together give auspicious results
According to Drik Panchang, Venus will enter Pisces at the end of January i.e. on January 28, 2025 at 7:12 am. Where there will be a conjunction with Rahu. The combination of Rahu and Venus can be very beneficial for some zodiac signs. Due to the conjunction of Venus with Rahu, the inauspicious effect of Rahu is reduced to some extent, because Rahu is considered to be the disciple of Shukra, the guru of demons. Along with this, Venus and Rahu together give auspicious results.
In this zodiac sign, the conjunction of Rahu and Venus is in the 10th house. People of this zodiac sign are likely to get big benefits. You can be expert in your work. There are also chances of getting immense success in the workplace. With this your dream of going abroad can be fulfilled. There will be good relations with parents. You will also get their full support, so that you will be able to achieve success in every field. Health will be good.
The new year can prove to be very good for Libra people also. There is a conjunction of Rahu and Venus in the seventh house of this zodiac sign. This house is considered very auspicious. The presence of Venus in this house guarantees happiness in married life. This can end the ongoing problems with your partner. Talking about job, salary may increase with promotion and health will be good.
The new year 2025 is going to be very good for people of this zodiac sign. Many problems going on in life can come to an end. In this zodiac sign, there is a conjunction of Rahu and Venus in the sixth house. There are chances of sudden financial gain. People looking for a new job can get a lot of benefits. Decision making ability will increase rapidly, due to which you will be able to think better for the future. Love life will be good. Students stand to benefit. Those preparing for competitive exams may get success.