Varun Dhawan’s much awaited film ‘Baby John’ is going to hit the theaters on the occasion of Christmas. This film is made in the production of director Atlee, who recently created a stir with the superhit film ‘Jawaan’. The film is expected to get a great opening due to Christmas and long weekend. According to reports, more than 1 lakh tickets have been booked in advance so far. However, blockbuster films like ‘Pushpa-2’ are already hitting the theaters, which is likely to give a big challenge to ‘Baby John’.
What will be the Day 1 collection of the film?
Many speculations are being made regarding the first day’s earnings of the film. According to Sacknilk’s report, more than 98,000 tickets for ‘Baby John’ have been booked in advance so far. The advance earnings of the film have reached Rs 4 crore, and on the opening day it can earn up to Rs 4.5 crore. However, the success of the film will largely depend on how good the response it gets from the audience.
‘Baby John’ is facing big competition
This film of Varun Dhawan is being released between big films like ‘Pushpa-2’ and ‘Mufasa’, which are already earning huge money in theatres. The trailer and teaser of the film received a positive response from the audience, but after the release the real challenge will be whether ‘Baby John’ will be able to make its place among these big films.
Opening collection and previous records
Varun Dhawan’s previous film ‘Jug Jug Jio’ had earned Rs 5.39 crore on the opening day. In comparison, the first day collection estimates of ‘Baby John’ are less than this. However, if the film gets the love of the audience then it may gain momentum during the weekend.
Strengths and weaknesses of the film
- Strength:
- Benefit of Christmas and long weekend.
- Strong fan following of Varun Dhawan.
- The film is made under the banner of Atlee Productions, which has given hit films like ‘Jawaan’.
- Weaknesses:
- Tough competition from big films like ‘Pushpa-2’ and ‘Mufasa’.
- The performance of Varun Dhawan’s last few films was below expectations.
The way forward for the film
Despite a slow start, ‘Baby John’ may do well over the weekend, provided it receives positive word of mouth from the audience. If the film manages to impress the audience, it can take advantage of the long weekend and earn better numbers.