Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is facing the heat of netizens of late after an old video of him kissing Nargis Fakhri on the sets of Main Tera Hero went viral online. In the video, the actor can be seen continuing to kiss Nargis despite the director yelling ‘Cut!’ multiple times, and netizens found the act ‘cheap’.

The video seems to be from the song, Galat Baat Hai, from the 2014 film Main Tera Hero, which was directed by Varun’s father, ace filmmaker David Dhawan. In the clip that is now doing the rounds, Varun can be seen climbing on top of Nargis and kissing her during one of the segments in the song. The director then yelled, “Cut! Cut!” several times, but the actor continued kissing Nargis, before eventually laughing and giving up.

Nargis too can be seen laughing in the clip, but Varun’s act failed to impress the netizens. “This is honestly so creepy,” a netizen wrote on Reddit, while another mentioned, “No nice guy behaves like this even if it’s a joke.”

Netizens also recalled the time when Varun was called out for kissing Kiara Advani abruptly during a photoshoot, and when he was criticised for lifting Gigi Hadid during a performance at the pre-wedding bash of Akash Ambani and Radhika Merchant.

Varun is yet to comment on the viral video.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Varun had a disastrous end to 2024 as his film, Baby John, tanked miserably at the box office. Despite all the hype and promotions, the film failed to impress the audience, making it one of the biggest flops of the actor.

Varun has now kickstarted the shoot of Border 2, and on Sunday, he was seen flaunting his new moustache look as he was spotted at the Mumbai airport, jetting off to the sets of Border 2.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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