Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is busy these days promoting his upcoming film ‘Baby John’, which is going to be released in theaters on December 25. During the promotion, Varun recently talked about cricketer Virat Kohli and actress Anushka Sharma in a podcast. Referring to an emotional moment of Virat, he praised Anushka’s honesty and sensitivity.

Virat Kohli’s emotional moment

Varun Dhawan told in Ranveer Allahabadia’s podcast that Anushka Sharma had shared with him about an emotional moment of Virat Kohli. Varun said:

“Anushka told me that when India lost in the Nottingham Test, she was not with Virat. When she reached there, she found Virat sitting alone in his room. He was crying considering himself responsible for the defeat. Whereas in the same match Virat had scored the most runs.”

praise of anushka sharma

Talking about Anushka’s personality, Varun said:

“Anushka is someone who brings truth and depth to life wherever she goes. She is very truthful and always says the right things at the right time. I think she has embarked on a spiritual path at a very young age. She accepts everyone for who they are.”

Anushka is against injustice

Varun also told that Anushka does not tolerate injustice at all.

“I spent a lot of time with him during the shooting of ‘Sui Dhaaga’. We used to talk sitting on a rocking chair in a village. Anushka is very sensitive and truth matters to her.”

Anushka’s specialty, which people don’t know

When Varun was asked what is one thing about Anushka that common people do not know, he said:

“People don’t know anything about Anushka and they don’t even care what the world knows about her. He is very clear about his personality.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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