Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan, who is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film, Baby John, attended the Agenda AajTak conclave on Saturday, which saw Home Minister Amit Shah as the guest. During the event, the actor called Shah the “Hanuman of the country”, and while some people praised him, others called it a desperate move.
During the event, Varun asked Shah about the biggest difference between Lord Ram and Ravan. To that, Shah replied, that while Lord Ram’s interests were driven by his duties (dharma), Ravan tried to alter his duties as per his convenience according to his own interests.
Varun then went on to say, “People call you Chanakya of politics, but I would say ye actually desh ke Hanuman hai, jo niswarth desh ki seva kar rahe hai.”
“Even actors, who have time to memorise their dialogues, cannot deliver them with such clarity like you did just now. This shows that it’s coming straight from your heart,” he added.
As soon as the clip went viral, netizens called Varun out for being “too desperate” and stated that it was a promotional move for his film, Baby John. “Itna desperate?” a netizen questioned, while another wrote, “This is so hard to watch”.
Meanwhile, on the work front, promotions are in full swing for Varun Dhawan’s Baby John, as the film is scheduled to hit the silver screens on December 25, on the occasion of Christmas. It marks the first collaboration between Varun and Jawan director, Atlee.
Baby John also stars Jackie Shroff, Wamiqa Gabbi and Keerthy Suresh in key roles. And if that wasn’t enough, it also has a cameo by none other than Bollywood superstar Salman Khan.