There has been an incident of stone pelting by unknown people on Vande Bharat Express number-22346 going from Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow to Bihar capital Patna. The incident took place near Varanasi on Wednesday night. According to railway officials, at around 8.15 pm on Wednesday night, the accused damaged the window glass of C-5 coach of Pathmari train.

According to the information given by the Indian Railways, Vande Bharat train number-22346 was pelted with stones. The train was going from Lucknow to Patna. An unknown person threw a stone on the road between Banaras and Kash. The stone pelting incident took place at 8.15 pm last night. Railway Police Force took action on the information.


The police investigated

A convoy of Railway Police Force from Kashi reached the spot of stone pelting on Vande Bharat train and immediately started a search operation. However, later, when no information was found about the accused, a case has been registered against him under the Railway Act. The investigation of the case has been handed over to the RPF investigating officer SP. Local inputs and other information are being gathered in this case. The accused are being searched by examining the cameras installed in the Vande Bharat Express train.

There was stone pelting on Vande Bharat earlier also

This is not the first time that stones have been pelted on the Vande Bharat train. Earlier also, stones have been pelted on the Vande Bharat train in many cities. In recent times, in July, anti-social elements pelted stones on the Vande Bharat Express train going from Gorakhpur to Lucknow. Many windows of the train were broken. Due to stone pelting, the windows of two coaches of the train and a special coach were broken. The passengers got scared due to the sudden stone pelting on the train and there was an atmosphere of stampede and fear inside the coach. However, no passenger was injured in this.

Earlier, when Vande Bharat train was started in many states including Gujarat, Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, similar incidents had come to the fore. In these cases, the suspected accused have also been arrested in many states. Now, an incident of stone pelting on Vande Bharat Express train has come to the fore in Uttar Pradesh as well.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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