Railways has accelerated the operation of Bareilly-Mumbai Sleeper Vande Bharat Express. For this, trial and speed trial will also be done for a month. This Sleeper Vande Bharat will cover a distance of 1600 km one way. It is believed that soon the city can get the gift of the country’s first Sleeper Vande Bharat. At the same time, the operation of Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat Express is also likely to start soon.
This will also be the first sleeper Vande Bharat of Moradabad division. Due to lack of washing line in Moradabad, it has been decided to start the operation of this train from Bareilly. Railways has decided this route for this train
Bareilly-Chandausi-Aligarh-Agra-Gwalior-Jhansi-Bina-Bhopal-Itarsi-Khandwa-Jalgaon-Manmad-Mumbai route. Divisional headquarters of the railway sections falling on this route have been written in this regard.
The first version of the sleeper Vande Bharat Express came out of the coach factory for trial on Sunday. Officials say that after the trial, the first sleeper Vande Bharat can be given to Northern Railway. Chief Commercial Inspector Rakesh Singh said that the route of Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat Express is also fixed. The operation of this train will also start soon.
Railways are also considering alternative routes
Routes have been decided for Bareilly-Mumbai and Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat Express, but the railways is also working on an alternate route for these trains. Recently, the North Central Railway was asked for a route via Kanpur Central for Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat, but the North Central Railway cited the pressure of trains already. Meanwhile, work is going on on an alternate route for Bareilly-Mumbai Vande Bharat.
The routes for operating Bareilly-Mumbai Sleeper Vande Bharat and Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat Express have almost been finalised. Notification from the Railway Board is awaited. These trains will start operating soon.