Uttarakhand Rain: The Meteorological Department has issued an orange alert for heavy rains in Uttarakhand till July 11. The Disaster Management Department and the district administration have been asked to be on high alert. According to Dr. Vikram Singh, director of the Meteorological Center, there is a possibility of heavy rains in Uttarakhand for the next four days. He has advised people not to travel unless necessary.

in uttarakhand after heavy rains Orange Alert

Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Secretary Dr. Ranjit Kumar Sinha has instructed the DMs of Haridwar, Nainital and Pithoragarh districts to be vigilant. The officers have also been instructed to keep the phones open for 24 hours. At the same time, the Central Water Commission has informed about the increase in the water level of Banganga (Raisi), Haridwar, Dhauliganga, Pithoragarh and Kosi (Nainital) rivers. Flooding in Vikas Nagar Tos and Yamuna has spread p.c among the people living in the coastal areas. On Friday, the water level of Yamuna river crossed the warning line.


People are requested not to travel for the next four days

Uttarakhand Water Commission The Central Water Commission has asked the Disaster Management Department to be prepared to deal with the situation in Uttarakhand. It is advised not to allow tourist movement during abnormal weather, heavy rain warnings.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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