Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has announced the date of Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for Soldier Recruitment Examination-2023. This exam will start from 10 February, and its admit cards will be released on 3 February. Candidates can download their admit card from the board’s official website uppbpb.gov.in. After downloading the admit card, the candidates will get information about the examination center, date and time. If someone is having problems in downloading the admit card, then they can contact the helpline number 8867786192.

Candidates participating in the physical efficiency test will now have to speed up their preparation. Male candidates will have to complete the 4.8 km race in 25 minutes, while female candidates will have to complete the 2.4 km race in 14 minutes. Candidates who will not be able to complete the race within the stipulated time will not be considered eligible for this recruitment.

The investigation of the documents of the candidates who have been successful in the written examination have been completed. Now only candidates who succeed in PST and DV will be called for physical testing. Also inform you that about 48 lakh candidates had registered for the UP Police Constable Recruitment Examination, out of which about 32 lakhs had taken the exam. The re-exam was held on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 August 2024 in a total of 10 shifts.

The recruitment board has also issued some instructions for the candidates, which has been advised to reach the examination center on time. A total of 60,244 posts will be recruited under this recruitment process.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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