A US woman married to a man from Odisha, India released a video on Instagram recording some heartfelt moments with her in-laws. In her video titled “My Odia Family”, Hannah showed viewers how her life changed after marrying the desi man. She revealed that she was welcomed to the Odia family and made a recipient of all her love and affection.
She recorded some of the adorable moments she spent with her husband’s parents and expressed about being touched by their love and care. She wished every bride to get such adorable in-laws who loved her selflessly.
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“My life has changed since marrying my husband. But getting to be a part of his loving family is a big one. I know not every daughter-in-law is as lucky as I am. I wish that every daughter-in-law would have such loving parents”, she wrote.
Hannah’s Instagram reel showed her enjoying food and having a fun time with her in-laws. Her mother-in-law was seen combing her hair, while the father-in-law joined her for a game of chess. They were seen feeding her some desi delicacies.
“I am now part of an Odia family. Whenever we’re together, we share love, laughter, food, and stories”, she wrote.
Netizens react
The US woman’s reel of being married into an Indian family has gone viral on social media.
“I believe It’s not easy to follow & adapt foreign cultures, but you’re doing good”, one wrote. “Having teary eyes by seeing her mother in law caring for her in small details like a mother does for her own daughter ! It’s rare and is a pure blessing”, said another.
Hannah’s video has now gone viral and attracted two million views.