During the hearing of his confirmation before the Senate Judicial Committee on Thursday, Kashyap ‘Kashp’ Patel, named FBI by US President Donald Trump, was welcomed with ‘Jai Shri Krishna’ after introducing to his parents. In a video that went viral, Indian-origin Kash Patel is also seen touching and bending the feet of his parents during the hearing. Kash Patel thanked his family and said that he had come from India for his hearing.
Blessings taken from parents as soon as they enter the Senate
Kash Patel touched the feet of his parents before his hearing in front of the Senate as per Indian traditions and took their blessings. Then he hugged his sister. People are surprised by his style, because this is the first time someone has touched the feet of their parents in front of the Senate. His decent behavior on social media is being highly appreciated.
Speak Jai Shri Krishna and introduce the family.
The Nominated Kash Patel of the FBI appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for confirmation. He introduced his parents in a special way. “I welcome my father Pramod and my mother Anjana, who is sitting here today. They have come here from India to be a part of this special day of mine. My sister Nisha is also here. She too has come with me for a long sea journey to come here. Today is a very special day. It is a big thing for me that you guys are with me today. Jai Shri Krishna.
What happened at the confirmation hearing of the US Senate?
Senate MP Kash is questioning Patel, who will lead the FBI. In response to the questions asked by Senator Lindsay Graham whether he has ever faced racism, Patel told the MPs that he had actually been a victim of racism since childhood.
He said, “Unfortunately the senator, yes. I do not want to go into much detail about my family. “
But Patel said that “I was called disgusting – and if I did not say everything properly, I am sorry, but it is in record – a disgusting black man who had no right to live in this country. You should go back where you were, “You are with your terrorist colleagues. This is what I was sent to do. It is a part of it, but it is nothing compared to the men and women engaged in law enforcement every day, ”