Two lawyers clashed over defending the accused who was arrested by Mumbai Police for attacking Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. On Sunday, when the police produced accused Mohammed Shariful Islam Shahzad in the Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate Court, the court asked him if he had any complaint against the police, to which Shahzad denied.

Subsequently, when the accused was taken to the dock, a lawyer came forward and claimed to represent the accused. But as he moved to take the signature of the accused on the Vakalatnama (a document signed by the accused in which he gives permission to the lawyer to fight his case), another lawyer intervened and took the signature of the accused on his Vakalatnama.

To calm down this confusing situation in the court, the magistrate suggested both the lawyers to jointly represent the accused. He said, “Both of you can together represent the accused.” After this, the hearing process started and the court ordered to send accused Shahzad to police custody for five days.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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