Famous actress of TV and film industry, Upasana Singh, has made a special place in the hearts of the audience with her strong acting. From small screen to big screen, Upasana played many memorable characters. In 2013, when Kapil Sharma started his popular comedy show ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’, Upasana was an important part of the show. Her character of ‘Bua’ in the show became very famous and gained a lot of popularity among the audience. But later Upasana distanced herself from the show. Recently he revealed the real reason behind leaving the show.

“My character was about to end”

Upasana Singh recently revealed in an interview why she left Kapil’s show. In conversation with Siddharth Kanan he said:

  • Two and a half year journey:
    After the show was a huge hit for two and a half years, he started feeling that his character was being completely phased out.
  • Desire to do something new:
    He told, “I felt that there was nothing new left for me to do. So I decided to leave the show.”

“My contract was not with Kapil, but with the channel.”

Upasana also told in the interview that she did not leave the show just because of her character.

  • Discussion with Kapil:
    He said, “I had already talked to Kapil about my character. But around the same time, Kapil had a dispute with the channel (Colors), and he took his show to Sony channel.”
  • Contract Obligation:
    Upasana did not follow Kapil’s show because her contract was with Colors channel.

    • The channel stopped Kapil’s show and replaced it with Krishna Abhishek’s show.
    • Upasana had to stay with the channel till the end of her contract.

“It was a great experience in Kapil’s show”

Upasana described her time spent on Kapil Sharma’s show as a great experience. However, they also admitted that circumstances led to their separation.

  • Kapil and his team reinstated the show on Sony channel, but Upasana could not be a part of it.
  • Upasana said that there was no rift between her and Kapil.

Upasana Singh’s career and present

Upasana Singh is known as a strong actress in TV and films. He has left his mark in every genre, from comedy to serious characters.

  • ‘Aunt’ The character is still fresh in the hearts of the audience.
  • She is always in the news regarding her personal and professional life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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