Nowadays, we see slogans on public roads, “Do not spit and throw leaves.” People are being asked to keep cleanliness, but it seems that the people eating pan masala and mawa have decided that they will never improve. Because wherever they find a place, they do not hesitate to spray the leaves there. People do this on the streets, but even in the assembly, leaders are not aware that poison does not spread here. Something similar has been seen in Uttar Pradesh.


Who put my cards in the meeting?

The budget session of Uttar Pradesh Legislature is going on. The session started on Tuesday, which was the 9th day of the session. Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana sat on the chair and heard an incident in the assembly. Due to which all the people were surprised. He said that some MLAs spit by eating spices in the House itself. The Speaker expressed strong displeasure over this and described it as indiscipline. However, he did not name the MLA who spit the pan masala.

I immediately cleaned it – speaker

The Speaker said that this morning I was told that one of our honorable members ate pan masala and spit it in the assembly building. Hearing this, I immediately went to that place and got it cleaned. I urge all the members to stop it if they see any of their colleagues doing this in future. This is our meeting, not just the president. It is the responsibility of all members to keep it clean and dignified.

I know who did this – President


Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana told the MLAs that the person doing this act has been identified. If he himself comes forward and accepts his mistake then it is fine, otherwise I have to call him. Such incident has happened for the first time in the assembly.

How long will the budget session last?

The budget session of the assembly will run till March 5. Both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council will be in the session till 5 March. The incident has raised many questions before the end of the session. In such a situation, the question arises whether the MLAs who spit Pan Masala will come up? There was a huge uproar in the House during the assembly session on Monday. SP members came to the House and raised slogans against the government in protest against not allowing the discussion on the budget.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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