The police, which maintains law and order in Uttar Pradesh, is now busy following a new rule. The UP government has issued an order making it mandatory for all policemen to give details of their assets. The policemen who do not follow this rule will Salary will be stopped.

After this order, there has been a stir in the police departments across the state. Many policemen have so far submitted details of their properties, while some are still busy completing the process. Come, let us know the complete details of this order.

What is this new order?

Why is it necessary to give property details?

The Uttar Pradesh government has issued this order with the aim of increasing transparency and curbing corruption.

  • Every policeman will have to give details of his movable and immovable properties.
  • This step is in accordance with the rules already set for government officials and employees.

Provision for withholding of salary

Those policemen who do not submit details of their assets within the time limit, monthly salary Will be stopped.

  • It will be mandatory for them to submit the details for reinstatement of salary.

How many policemen have given details so far?

90% policemen complied

According to reports, so far 90 percent The policemen have submitted details of their properties.

  • This number is a major part of the total number of officers and employees.
  • The government has instructed the remaining 10% policemen to complete the process as soon as possible.

Strict vigil on careless people

Against those policemen who are not following the orders strict action Will be done. Apart from stopping the salary, this may also include a departmental inquiry.

Why was this step taken?

Ensuring transparency and accountability

  • The aim of this initiative is to bring transparency and ensure accountability in the police department.
  • This step will ensure that no government employee becomes the owner of unauthorized properties.

curb corruption

  • The government believes that this process Corruption Will help in controlling.
  • Strict action can be taken against policemen who do not give correct details of their properties.

How to submit details of properties?

Online and Offline Process

  • Policemen are required to submit details of properties in a prescribed manner. format Information will have to be given in.
  • this process online portal Or departmental offices Can be done in.

What information needs to be given?

  • Movable assets (like bank balance, vehicles etc.)
  • Immovable property (like land, house, flat).
  • Details of properties of wife, children and other family members.

It is mandatory to follow the deadline

The government has given policemen a fixed time limit Instructed to submit details of your properties within .

What if details are not submitted?

Action other than withholding salary

If the policemen do not comply with this order, then:

  • Their monthly salary will be stopped.
  • Departmental inquiry can be initiated.
  • There may also be difficulty in getting promotion and other benefits in future.

Investigation of unauthorized properties

If the details of properties of any policeman are not found correct, then action will be taken against him. disproportionate assets A case may be registered.

Police Department’s response

staff support

Senior officials of the police department have supported this order.

  • He says that this step will ensure transparency and discipline in the department.
  • This will ensure that honest policemen do not suffer any harm.

Concern of some policemen

Some policemen call it a additional burden Seeing as.

  • He says collecting details of properties can be complicated and time-consuming.
  • However, the department has assured them of help to ease the process.

Government’s expectations and message

Uttar Pradesh government has launched this initiative as a transparent administration It is a big step in its direction.

  • The Chief Minister has said that it is necessary to ensure accountability of government employees and police force.
  • Through this process, the government wants to set an example of honesty and transparency in the police department.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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