Sehore (Madhya Pradesh): The health department in Sehore continues to draw criticism, this time over the unauthorized practices of private doctors and medical store operators in the city. Several unregistered doctors from other cities are reportedly treating patients at local medical stores without registering with the Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO) office or providing prior information.

These doctors charge exorbitant fees, treat patients irresponsibly, and flee when complications arise, leaving no trace for any action to be taken against them. The Ganga Ashram area of Sehore is home to numerous medical stores openly flouting health regulations.

Several doctors from Bhopal and other cities are conducting unregulated practices in the area, with no record of their activities available with the health department. Drug Inspector Kiran Magre has faced repeated criticism for her working style.

Reports suggest she is frequently absent, her office remains closed, and her phone goes unanswered, leaving department staff and citizens frustrated.

On the issue, Drug Inspector Kiran Magre said, “If doctors are treating patients at medical stores, the CMHO should take action. This does not fall under my jurisdiction.”

Sehore’s CMHO, Sudhir Kumar Dehariya, said that doctors cannot practice without proper registration, and inspections of pharmacies will be conducted to ensure compliance. Dehariya also warned that strict action will be taken against those found practicing without a valid license.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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