Mumbai: A bizarre and alarming incident occurred at Dadar railway station on Monday when a man allegedly cut a college girl’s braid without her knowledge and fled the scene. The incident has stirred memories of the 2017 ‘choti katwa’ scare that haunted parts of North India, including Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan, where women reported mysterious hair-cutting incidents.

Details On The Bizarre Incident

The victim, a student from a well-known Mumbai college, was travelling from Kalyan to Matunga Road ( WR)  aboard a special local train for women. She reached Dadar station around 9:29 AM and was walking towards the western railway foot over bridge when the attack occurred.

According to the woman’s statement to the Government Railway Police (GRP), as she passed near the booking counter, she felt something prick her around 9:31 AM. When she turned around, she noticed an unfamiliar man with a backpack walking hastily away. She then observed hair on the ground and, upon checking, realized that half of her hair had been cut off.

Probe Launched, CCTV Being Scanned

The victim immediately reported the incident to the Railway Protection Force (RPF) of Dadar ( WR), who showed her CCTV footage of the area and advised her to file an FIR. The woman subsequently went to the Mumbai Central GRP, where her complaint was registered under PNC No. 3/2025 U/S 133 BNS. GRP later detained a suspicious individual, and inquiries are ongoing to identify the person responsible for this shocking act.

The 2017 ‘choti katwa‘ incidents, which caused widespread panic in North India, had forced many women to cover their hair while stepping out. Although those cases remain shrouded in mystery, the recent incident at Dadar has reignited fears among women in the city.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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