In a recent order, the Bombay High Court voiced serious concerns about the increasing suicide rates, especially among students. This serves as a reminder of an issue that is going unnoticed in our society. This is more than a statement; it’s a reflection of the serious mental health pandemic we are now experiencing.
As a psychiatrist practising in the city, I have personally observed the catastrophic effects of suicide. The causes of suicide are complex and wide-ranging. Common explanations include relationship issues, fear of failing, financial troubles, pressure to perform well academically, and other mental health disorders. Social media’s display of flawless lifestyles has already worsened emotions of loneliness and inadequacy. It is essential that one understands that, despite how overwhelming life feels at times, suicide is not an option.
Suicide prevention is not an issue that can be solved in a day. It calls for a comprehensive strategy. I believe there should be easy access to counselling sessions for students. Often people go through a lot of problems, which they do not talk about. It is important for family and friends to identify potential people who could be moving towards becoming suicidal due to some serious problems in life.
Seeking professional help for ourselves or a loved one is a brave step towards a healing journey and should not be considered a weakness. It is important for people to speak about what is bothering them without fear of being judged. Developing resilience is very important, which could include helping them with coping mech.sms or helping people out with their problem-solving strategies while having a positive attitude.
One common misconception amongst people is that talking about suicides and mental health may implant ideas in a person’s mind, which is not true. In reality conversations on such topics can save lives. We should always be kind to people around us, as it may help us to identify the affected people. We never know what battles a person could be going through and in what ways our words or actions could affect them. We should always remember that in today’s time, help is easily accessible, whether offline or online. It is important to gather courage and seek out help when required.
Educating people about mental health awareness on social media is something that has been going on for a while and should be promoted even more so that people can come out and seek help. The use of technology can also be beneficial. Essentially, the best way to prevent suicide is to increase awareness about it and inculcate a feeling of security, happiness, optimism, and positivity among people going through tough times – emotionally or otherwise.
Dr. Naazneen Ladak is a Psychiatrist