Oral Cancer is a serious disease, which reaches the last stage due to ignoring it in the initial stage. Its symptoms seem so common that 99% people do not take them seriously. If these signs are taken care of at the right time, the disease can be prevented from progressing. Let us know the 5 major signs of oral cancer, which point towards the last stage.
1. swelling of the mouth, jaw, or neck
When oral cancer reaches the last stage, swelling around the jaw, mouth and neck is a common problem. This swelling is often painless, so people ignore it considering it to be a minor infection.
Why does this happen?
Cancer cells begin to affect the surrounding tissues and lymph nodes, causing swelling to appear.
What to do?
If this swelling persists for a long time or increases, contact a doctor immediately. This may indicate a serious stage of cancer.
2. lump in mouth and jaw
In the last stage of oral cancer, a lump may be felt inside the jaw and mouth. This lump is often hard and painless.
- Difficulty chewing or speaking.
- Difficulty opening mouth.
Why does the risk increase?A lump is the result of uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, which damages surrounding structures.
3. white spots inside the mouth
If you see white or red spots inside your mouth, do not take it lightly. This could be leukoplakia or the beginning of cancer.
Beware of these signs:
- White spots becoming thick or rough.
- Gradual growth of the stain.
What to do?If these spots are not treated timely, they can take the form of cancer. It can be detected through regular checkups and biopsy.
4. sores on mouth or lips
In the last stage of oral cancer, wounds are formed on the lips or inside the mouth, which do not heal. Sometimes these wounds may also bleed.
How to identify?
- Bleeding from the wound.
- Feeling pain while eating or drinking.
Danger sign:If this sign appears, contact a specialist immediately, as it indicates deep spread of cancer cells.
5. loose teeth
If your teeth are becoming loose without any injury or reason, it can be a serious sign of oral cancer. In the last stage, cancer starts damaging the jaw bones, due to which the teeth become loose.
Other symptoms:
- Pain in teeth.
- Swelling of gums.
What to do?Don’t ignore this problem. If other symptoms appear along with loose teeth, consult a doctor immediately.
How to prevent oral cancer?
- Avoid smoking and tobacco: This is the main cause of oral cancer.
- Regular Checkup: Especially if there is a history of cancer in your family.
- Healthy Diet: Include fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Maintain oral hygiene: Brush your teeth daily and use mouthwash.
- Take precautions: Do not ignore any unusual symptoms.