On Monday night, a fire broke out at singer Udit Narayan’s Skypan Apartments in Shastri Nagar, Andheri West, on the 11th floor of Wing B, while the singer resides on the 9th floor of wing A. His 75-year-old neighbour, Rahul Mishra, who lived on the 11th floor of wing B, tragically passed away due to asphyxiation after being rushed to Kokilaben Hospital.

Now, Udit Narayan has broken his silence regarding the fire incident. Speaking to India Today, he assured that he is safe. “It was a difficult night,” he said. Reportedly, Udit’s building’s alarms went off, and residents were instructed to stay downstairs for about 4-5 hours.

Udit’s 38-year-old relative, Raunak Mishra was also seriously injured in the fire.

Residents also experienced a power outage as a precautionary measure to prevent further damage.

A bystander at the scene suggested that the fire may have been caused by a diya, whose flame reportedly spread to nearby curtains.  According to reports, Rahul’s wife ran downstairs, screaming for help, prompting the watchmen to rush up to the flat. However, by the time they arrived, it was too late.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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