Arif Bamne, who risked his own life to save 35 passengers in the Neelkamal boat accident, was honoured by Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray at Matoshri residence on Monday. During the ceremony, Thackeray praised Arif’s presence of mind, courage, and bravery. According to Marathi daily Samana, the event was attended by Shiv Sena UBT leaders including MP Arvind Sawant, MLAs Milind Narvekar, and Manoj Jamsutkar.

The incident occurred when the Neelkamal boat, traveling from Gateway of India to Elephanta, collided with a Navy speedboat, resulting in a severe accident where both vessels sank. The accident claimed 15 lives, while 100 people were successfully rescued.

Arif Bamne, who works as a boatmaster on the Purva boat, emerged as a guardian angel during the crisis. When the accident occurred, his boat was nearby. Without any hesitation, Arif jumped into the sea and, along with his colleagues, managed to save at least 35 passengers. Using a pilot boat for support, they safely transferred the rescued passengers to the Vasudev ferry. In one particularly notable rescue, Arif saved an unconscious three-and-a-half-year-old child.

For their acts of bravery, Arif and his fellow crew members – Kifayat Mulla, Tapas Kar, and Nandu Jana – were felicitated by Uddhav Thackeray’s party. They were presented with cash rewards in recognition of their courageous rescue efforts.

The incident has brought widespread acclaim for Arif’s heroic actions, with Uddhav Thackeray personally commemorating his bravery during today’s special ceremony.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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